PLATO@50 Conference

PLATO welcome screen

PLATO welcome screen
(click any photo for a larger version)

On June 2nd and 3rd, 2010 I attended a conference at the Computer History Museum called “PLATO@50: Fifty Years of Innovation”. The first computer I ever saw in person or used was the PLATO installation at the University of Delaware. My sister was taking a course in biomechanics at the University and brought me into the terminal room where I could login to PLATO and use a variety of educational courseware without needing a special account or paying any fees. The rest, as they say, is history. I spent quite a number of hours exploring all the educational courseware on PLATO. I was in this weird age range where the “kids” courseware was too simple and the University student courseware was too complex. However, I was immensely fascinated with this thing called a computer.

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