Proposed Utah Code Camp Spring 2016 Talks

It’s that time of year again and I’ve proposed the following talks for the 2016 Utah Code Camp. Please vote for those you’d like to see as I doubt I will be able to give all of them :-).

Vote here: Utah Code Camp Spring 2016 Sessions

Update: Two of my talks were accepted, thank you for your votes! That’s quite a bit of work for me in such a short time, but I will give it the old college try and do my best not to disappoint anyone. See you at Code Camp!

Proposed talks:

  • Software Practices and Principles
    • Why TDD is a Design Activity

      Do you think design is that thing you do at the beginning before you start implementation? Oh pshaw, waterfall thinker! Design is an activity. Designs evolve. Software is the most mutable substance known to mankind. TDD embraces that evolution and malleability and changes design from a phase into an activity we practice every day.

    • Accepted: Modern C++

      Has it been a while since you looked at C++? Do you have a “backwards looking” perspective on C++ based on poorly written old code? Come take a look at modern C++ and dispel your misconceptions about C++. Embrace lightweight abstraction mechanisms with efficient implementations that make your phone’s battery last longer! C++14 is stable and is implemented across all major platforms. C++17 standardization is underway. Compilers are implementing C++17 support in anticipation of the standard, instead of waiting until it is released. The library working group in the standards committee has additions to the C++ Standard Library coming your way.

  • Microsoft Technologies
    • Accepted: Developing iOS and Android Apps with Visual Studio

      In this presentation, we’ll take a look at the additions to Visual Studio 2015 that support the development of iOS and Android applications. We will emphasize cross-platform development of a single code base.

    • NodeJS for Visual Studio

      In this presentation, I’ll give a quick tour of the NodeJS integration for Visual Studio.

Slides for Consuming and Creating Libraries in C++

I have uploaded my slides for my presentation on Creating and Consuming Libraries in C++. Not every word of what I discussed is in the slides, but there should be enough there for you to follow the discussion.

Utah C++ Programmers: Consuming and Creating Libraries

In this month’s Utah C++ Programmers meetup, I’ll present the basics on consuming and creating libraries for C++ programs. ConsultNet is now a sponsor of Utah C++ Programmers and will be providing us with food for the meeting. Thanks, ConsultNet!

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Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 RC Released

Microsoft has released a release candidate of Update 2 for Visual Studio 2015. Of interest to C++ developers are the completion of C++11, C++14 and current C++17 library features as well as numerous performance and bug fix improvements to the IDE and the compiler. There are some breaking changes for existing code bases that were not written in conformance with the ISO C++ standard, but instead relied on the old non-conforming behavior of the Microsoft compiler.

SLC Software Craftsmanship: Rewrite or Refactor?

Tomorrow the Salt Lake City Software Craftsmanship group will be holding their 2nd meetup. The reading discussion topic for this month is Rewrite or Refactor?. Dinner will be served and there will be a programming exercise after the reading discussion. See you there!