C++ Mock Object Workshop on January 13th

Zhon Johansen and I will be covering C++ mock object frameworks at the January, 2010 meeting of XP Utah. Zhon will cover googlemock, the Google C++ Mocking Framework, and I will cover mockpp, Mock Objects for C++. XP Utah meets from 7pm to 10pm on the second Wednesday of every month at the Borders bookstore in Murray, UT.

During this workshop, we will practice test-driven development in C++ using mock objects. We will be using Boost.Test as the underlying unit testing framework. The workshop will be organized as a programming kata, first with mockpp and then repeated with googlemock. By repeating the same exercise with the same unit test framework but two different mocking frameworks, participants will be able to compare and contrast the two mock frameworks for C++.

The workshop is free and open to all.

To participate, bring a laptop with a C++ programming environment. There is free wireless at the Borders bookstore. You will want to have downloaded and installed Boost.Test before the workshop. We will start promptly at 7pm in order to work through the kata with both mock object frameworks. If you are unfamiliar with writing unit tests in C++, consult my tutorial on unit testing with Boost.Test.

A Managed Path to DirectCompute

Fellow MVP Miha Markič has written up a blog post about his experience with DirectCompute and managed code.